I received an invitation to attend the third annual potluck picnic for northeast Tennessee libraries. Of course, most librarians et al in the state of Tennessee were invited as well. I'll go this year. I rsvp'd and was asked to bring a potato side dish goes well with BBQ. Then I was encouraged to bring "dessert and of course anything chocolate." That chocolate Guinness cake I made for Easter seems an excellent choice for "anything chocolate." But potatoes... Potato salad might be rather boring.
3rd-Annual Potluck Picnic to Be Held for Northeast Tennessee Libraries
A Potluck Picnic for ALL library staff members (pages, assistants, support staff, librarians, directors, LIS students, etc. - we mean EVERYONE!) of libraries and other information spaces in Northeast Tennessee; yumbo-licious BBQ graciously provided by anonymous donors; everything else to be provided by those attending (if you lack culinary skills or time to cook, you are welcome to make a monetary donation towards the BBQ). Also, feel free to bring family members/co-workers!
Rotary Park, Harris Pavilion, 1001 N. Broadway St., Johnson City, TN
Friday, April 28, 2006 - Networking to Begin at 6:00 p.m.; Eating to commence around 7:00 p.m.
Because we believe in networking, getting to know each other better, and just having fun! We want others to see how much fun Boone Tree is so they can be part of the professional development action in Northeast Tennessee!
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