Laura informed me that she found Popchips at our Target. I feel so silly. Like, perhaps I didn't do enough research? A librarian performing half-assed research? It happens. I avoid the snack food areas of every store as a general rule, to control my poor impulse control, you see.
It was an honest mistake. Let me explain: When I entered my zip code in the "get popchips" at their website, no results in my area were returned. You have brands of food stores scrolling to the right and you can click that-away. But then there's a disclaimer saying that you can find popchips at SELECTED Targets and Costcos.
Naturally I assumed that did not include my Target. I live in an area where Last Temptation of Christ and that Madonna documentary, Truth or Dare, were never shown and where there was a trememdous hubub over Ludacris performing because of the "element" his shows attract plus associated violence and security problems --yet Kid Rock and his "element" are welcome?
Digressions, digressions.
Only right now, at this minute, the store locator feature isn't working, so I cannot quite the exact phrasing, which led me to believe that there were no Popchips in my immediate vicinity.
Alas, Laura mentioned our Target only stocking the regular and BBQ flavors. Boo. Still no salt and vinegar available.
Every food finding occasion is for me, a saga. I swear.
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