Cupcakes abound in the blogosphere. I've wanted to make a batch for a while. I've been gathering and hoarding ingredients. And looking for cupcake recipes everywhere in my books. I know, I ought to look online because of the vast recourses available thereabouts, but I prefer to find my recipes the old-fashioned way, from cookbooks. I complained about the dearth of cupcake cookbooks at my public library and Ani reminded me of Chockylit. And Paula put me on to a lemon angel food cupcake.

These are banana buttermilk cupcakes. They taste a little too much like banana bread to me. But, no nuts. Not sure I'll make them again though. First time, I overfilled the cups. It's been a long time since I've mad muffins or cupcakes, so filling the cups 3/4 of the way full was a big mistake.

But the second time was a charm. At least I learn from my mistakes. So they weren't perfect. They were still a little sunken. Either the batter had too much liquid in it or the cooking temperature was too low. I cooked them on 350. Maybe 375 would have been better.

not the photo i wanted to share, but typepad is being a...
Frosted them this morning. And meant to bring them to work to foist them on everyone. Used a cream cheese frosting with a tad of coconut extract, vanilla, too, for that matter. And a dash of sprinkles. My favorite. They're in the fridge. Chilling.

After such a less than satisfying cupcake experience I took yesterday's lunch break at a bookstore and compared their cupcake cookbook selections before deciding to purchase 500 Cupcakes. There were three others. I don't remember what they are now, but they were boring. This one, this 500 Cupcakes had the most inventive flavor combinations. Also liked the way it was organized. Can't wait to delve inside and figure out how to improve my cupcake skills.
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